Did you ever know someone who made a career change so bold, it made you catch your breath? I have!
Courtney and I met 7 years ago when she was working as the Human Resource Director in a fast-paced digital agency I worked with. She is smart and polished, and I found her to be a company go-to person for so many topics! My admiration for her grew when I learned she had taken the time to get SHRM certified, which is a rigorous voluntary certification for HR professionals. I’ve worked with professional development programs for years, and I love, love, love it when people make the time to invest in themselves. Most professional certifications including SHRM include examinations and continuing education, and Courtney managed to achieve this while juggling a growing family. She was one busy woman!
Fast forward a few years, when she decided to quit her full-time position to homeschool her children. Frankly, I was stunned. I respect parents who make the decision to leave the workforce, but Courtney was rocking it as an HR Director! Did people with a flourishing career really make changes like this? Apparently, yes, they do, and she did.
Fast forward another few years, when Courtney found herself ready for a side business. She became an Independent Consultant with Rodan & Fields, and she’s taken the same approach to her side business as she did to Human Resources. She’s invested in herself and become very knowledgeable not only about her products, but the field of skin care in general. She’s still a go-to person, but this time surrounded by a team of R & F, happy customers, and a homeschool network. It’s a joy to see someone whose side business allows them to balance goals and priorities like Courtney, and I asked her to share her story with us.
CB: My name is Courtney Bremner and I am an Independent Consultant with Rodan + Fields*. I started my business in May of 2016. I never thought of myself as an entrepreneur. I always thought a 9-5 job was the only way to go. Boy, was I wrong! In fact, I had worked HARD for over 10 years and had become the Director of HR at a medium-sized company with a PHR certification to boot! It was exciting, fast-paced, and demanding. I walked away from my career in 2013 to focus on my children and family. It wasn’t easy financially, but it was a sacrifice we were willing to take on. By 2015 it had become a lot harder than we thought it would be and I was getting antsy. After watching my friend in her own R+F business for a year, I knew that I wanted in. My friend is smart and makes deliberate, calculated decisions. While I thought she was crazy at first, my own personal results with the products made me realize she had her hands on something pretty special. It is worth noting, I’m not the only business-minded person with a master’s degree who starts a business with this company; 47% of consultants have a bachelor’s degree or master’s degree, 41% have annual household incomes over $100,000, and 70% work part-time or full-time when they start their businesses.
R+F is different than most other network marketing businesses in that we are completely virtual. My business doesn’t rely on parties, stocking inventory, or time-consuming events. I can fit it into the nooks and crannies of my very busy day (can we say homeschooling three children?) The process and strategy is simple. I share what this business and these products are all about, connect with people, and try to help them. I feel like the one trait that I possess that helps me is a servant’s heart. I honestly just like connecting with friends (old and new) and seeing if I have something that can help them. Whether it be sensitive skin, aging skin, acne, or even a need for more income; I simply look for people who are looking for me. I have never in my life held a sales job and still don’t feel like I do!! Although I am cognitively aware this is a job that includes selling, it just doesn’t feel like it. I feel like my business is just part of who I am at this point and it comes up in conversation, which sometimes leads to a new customer or a new business partner! It is just so natural for me since I like interacting with a variety of people and am passionate about R+F.
The impact this business has had on our lives has blown away all my expectations and continues to get better. And to think I’m just getting started! The first and most obvious impact is the financial impact on my family. I am making an impact way beyond “fun money” or “kids’ activities”. The impact on our household budget is beyond any job I could hold on a part-time level (taking me out of the home for 20 hours per week). But more than financials are the relationships. My team is probably the most encouraging, positive, successful and loving group of people I’ve ever worked with. I have made lifelong friendships thanks to R+F. I have re-connected with old friends…one of which is now a business partner! (I’m certain our mothers never imagined we would be working together when we were in diapers together in the church nursery. My late mother would be thrilled!) Finally, R+F has pushed me way beyond what I thought I could do. It has pushed me to work hard, to own my success, and to constantly go outside my comfort zone to grow my business. That aspect is priceless and nothing a 9-5 “job” has ever done for me.
*Rodan + Fields is a premium skincare company founded by the same doctors who developed ProActiv and made it the number 1 acne brand in the world. As the doctors continued to practice dermatology, they realized there was a need for true dermatological skincare in the home to deal with sensitive skin, sun damaged skin, aging skin and even adult acne. R+F was first placed in high-end department stores, but the company soon realized that they needed to go online to survive and, with the rise of social media, needed to utilize community commerce to market their products. Since 2008, R+F has surpassed skincare companies that have been around for decades and has risen to be the #1 skincare brand in the United States…across all price points and all channels. With recent global expansion into Canada and Australia, this brand is just scratching the surface of the massive global skincare market. There are plans to expand into all global markets (including the HUGE skincare market of Asia) and consultants can build their businesses across the world.
Connect with Courtney on Twitter at @bremnervt, on Instagram at bremnervt, or join her Facebook Group.